Wednesday, July 8, 2009

The Eaglets Have Me Captivated

The web page design course ended in May and since then I have been recuperating. Recuperating means being still physically until my body heals - very difficult for an 'A' type personality. I found the Hancock Wildlife Foundation site where they have live cams of the eagle nests. I was addicted the minute I turned the camera on. I kept a journal of sorts and my friend said I should share it with you. (LOL and as soon as I figure out how to do that... I will)

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Marketing and Advertising

My, my, my, there is so much involved with marketing Long Beach Photos. I have had to take my 'photographer' hat off to deal with the business side of things.

In another couple of months, we will be adding Web Page Design to Long Beach Photos.

Everything is great! I am loving where the business is going.

Cheers to you all!