Well! Between the snow and the rain, no special pics this week.
I know! Everyone east of the mountains is laughing about driving so slowly in so little snow... but this stuff is different! It's like ice! It's actually better if the road is covered with snow, rather than this slush. Anyway, once through the snow, the light rain the weather channel predicted was torential everywhere I went.
I thought, being from Ontario, I would go to the Botanical Gardens and take some good shots -- inside, out of the rain. LOL! But this is BC and the Botanical Gardens is an outside walk, so no pics of that either.
For your viewing pleasure this week, I direct you back to my site to take a longer look at the High Tide shots. http://www.longbeachphotosbc.ca/ Take some time to really look at that water. Just imagine sitting on that beach and feel the rumble on the beach as the waves crash only meters from you. If you are uncomfortable there, you can sit high and safe on a rock. Take in all the water. All the different directions it is going at the same time.
Just enjoy it for a while.
'til next time... Syl
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